“I want to help clients experience the positive changes that Pilates can bring to their everyday life, from a healthier body that allows you to move with ease and grace to the power that comes from a mind-body connection.”
A graduate of Atlas Pilates Teacher Training Program, Hana learned to teach Pilates from Lori Coleman-Brown (and Atlas Pilates Staff instructors). She started doing Pilates in the studio in 2018 and loved it so much she decided to become a teacher. She rigorously trained and tested despite a global pandemic and graduated in 2022.
Hana was born in New Jersey, grew up in Korea, Australia, China, Czech Republic, and Mexico. She loves to travel, meet new people, learn new languages and cultures. She holds a Bachelor of English Language and Literature & Bachelor of Media (Double major) and a Master’s in Interpretation and Translation (Korean to English, English to Korean). She currently also works as a professional Korean Interpreter and Translator at a Seattle based tech company.

“Pilates gave me, and still continues to give me, visibly positive results in my body (better posture, more strength, and no more chronic lower back pain!), but more than anything I love how Pilates showed me how to focus on my mind and bring that balance between the mind and body. Something that I feel everyone needs in today’s fast-moving modern society.”