Sharon Hummel-Kramer

What brought you to Pilates?
Repeated injuries due to very tight muscles brought me to Pilates. Luckily my Sports Medicine physical therapist Joy Beatty, was also a certified Pilates instructor. Joy told me that she could keep fixing me or I could just do Pilates. I signed up for an introductory Pilates special. And, I got hooked.
What made you want to become a Pilates teacher?
The passion, the caring and the positive feeling that I felt from other instructors. I loved Pilates but, as I met instructors who wanted the best for their clients, who wanted to grow in their own knowledge and become better instructors themselves, I was impressed. I saw becoming a certified instructor as the career change I had been seeking.
Why did you choose Atlas Pilates teacher training program?
I observed during my client years at Atlas both the culture and the quality of the instructors.
The work is vast, challenging and intriguing. There is always more to learn!
Why do you like teaching Pilates now?
I love owning my own studio! South Whidbey Island has a large retirement community. One goal has been to make Pilates more affordable to a fixed income community. Doing so is super rewarding.
What Pilates exercise, concept or principle currently holds your attention and why?
The Teaser has always captivated me. It is a beautiful exercise showing stretch and strength while being so darn hard. I love the challenge.
Why do you think people should do Pilates?
Pilates is a gift to our bodies especially for the health of our spines. Pilates helps to correct postural problems created by one’s daily life whether it’s a tech neck , tension or an injury. And, Pilates makes the body feel and look good! Can’t think of better reasons.
Is there a particular exercise that has profoundly changed your body?
Spine stretch forward really taught me how tight and inflexible my back was. It not only changed my body, it changed my mind! The inflexibility I felt, motivated me to seek the amazing feeling of lengthening my spine which Pilates provides.
What is your weekly workout routine?
I workout daily. I workout in my studio regularly between clients and take a weekly Zoom lesson. I ride my horse about 4 times weekly . I am a dressage rider and as I am an equestrian, I know my riding is best when I do even just 10 minute of Pilates prior to mounting my horse. Not only does it balance my body, the balance I find balances my horse’s body as well.

When did you graduate?
November 2017
What are you doing now?
I opened my own studio on South Whidbey Island, WA called Studio Valence Classical Pilates.
How can people contact you?
Now, the fun questions!
What’s your favorite food? Bananas
What do you do to unwind? I throw the frisbee for our border collie named Gamma Girl. Until we got her, I never knew I could throw a frisbee with any accuracy. I really enjoy the mindless fun.
What are 3 words that describe you? Petite, focused and disciplined.
If you were an animal, what would you be? A cat.
What’s your signature phrase? Let’s do some Pilates!